Antes que nada me gustaría decir el por qué de esta entrada, y es que ahora mismo me encuentro en Inglaterra con el fin de mejorar mi inglés. El caso es que la profesora que me da clases me dio una series de preguntas para hacer redacciones en dicho idioma y de todas ellas me atreví a hacer una sobre una historia. No sé si seréis como yo, que os parece que todo en inglés, (sobre todo el británico) suena más bonito, así que me ocurrió dejar aquí dicha historia, para aquellas personas que saben inglés, y para que me cuenten que les parece.
Alison read the nore, smiled, and immediately put on her coat. She walked away from her home, noticing the beautiful day. So she breathed in. ''It smells like spring'' She thought.
She didn't know when he passed the note behind her door, but she hoped not to have read it too late, because the note didn't say a lot, just ''I'm waiting for you at the park, the park where we used to go when we where kids''
She was nervous too, because he hadn´t written his name, but this was his handwriting, wasn't it?
She tried to slow down her pace, and smiled to people even without knowing them. But when she is happy, she smiles at smalls things around her.
When she saw the park, her heart began to beat more quickly, when she could see his back. The, she shouted his name, and he turned around.
At that moment, she could see his face.
But not, he wasn´t who she thought he was.
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